In today’s text, I will describe and explain OAuth Grant Types — the processes of authorization. I will start with a quick recap of the…
Pask Software
Here I will be taking a closer look at a branch of mathematics known as queueing theory. I will describe it, explain its basic laws.…
Ah, writing chats. So simple yet so complex. Yes, writing chats — as in coding them, not chatting (though that might prove to be problematic…
Sharding is a technique of splitting some arbitrary set of entities into smaller parts known as shards. It is used to achieve better consistency and…
Applicative is just another concept similar in meaning and history to Functors and Monads. Besides explaining the theory behind it, I will implement a simple…
Functor is a concept originating from mathematics, to be exact, from a part of mathematics called category theory. Here I will try to give you…
In short, the CAP theorem is a mathematical theorem describing how our application will behave in the event of network partitioning. It is one of…
For some time, I have been interested in how mathematics affects the software engineering world directly and started writing Math Behind Software series. I believe…
Nowadays there is no need for stressing the importance of web applications security. Almost on a weekly basis, we hear about new security breaches, data…
Today I want to tell you a few words about how you can describe your system through mathematical equations — at least to some degree.You…